Mar dèidhinn

Jiangyin Uzone International Trade Co.,Ltd


Buidheann Uzone

20 years of industry experience

Thousands of products, 

tens of categories

factory inner space

Dè nì sinn?

Aig Uzone Groups, an uncompromising dealas airson càileachd a 'brosnachadh gun choimeas service.With eòlach sgioba de luchd-dreuchd agus gnìomhachas air thoiseach comasan, faodaidh sibh an crochadh air dhuinn airson taic shònraichte air a h-uile tionnsgnaidhean agaibh.

Uzone a stèidheachadh gus drochaid a 'bheàrn eadar-ainmean ag iarraidh a leasachadh càileachd àrd agus na stuthan maise-gnùis a' mhargaidh - iom-fhillte, a 'gluasad gu luath agus gu borb farpaiseach gnìomhachas sin a-riamh doirbh a bhith a' cur air bhog a-steach.

Le bhith a 'tarraing air ar n-eòlas farsaing agus eòlas air a' ghnìomhachas, tha sinn a 'cuideachadh le suaicheantasan a chur air bhog bathar fois agus mòr toraidhean.

Tha iad seo uile soirbheachas sgeulachdan thòisich an aon dòigh - le còmhradh. Cuir fios thugainn gus faighinn a-mach mar as urrainn dhuinn do chuideachadh a 'brand' lìbhrigeadh soirbheachas ann am maise-gnùis agus cùram pearsanta mhargaidh.


Emily Chen

Emily Chen

Sales Director

Emily is a foreign trade sales. She has been working on cosmetic field for more than 5 years. She serves clients with best effort and professional knowledge.

Jacky Xue

Jacky Xue

Design Team Director

Together with design teamates, they're responsible for the design side of things like sketch, 3D product model and marketing videos etc.

Ting Chen

Ting Chen

Sales & Marketing Director

Responsible for marketing and sales at the same time. She's enthusiastic in helping clients. Glad that our cosmetic packaging products realize value in clients' hands.

Celine Weng

Celine Weng

Purchasing Director

She's a standards-driven, ambitious and professional procurement officer who understands the responsibility that comes with the role.


proifeiseanta càileachd feuchainn a-ionnstramaidean, iomchaidh airson Vacuum deuchainnean, Teòthachd deuchainnean, deoch-làidir deuchainnean etc.

Multiply tests and qualifications of UzoneGroup



SGS Certifications of UzoneGroup Cosmetic packaging glass bottle products

Company History

Uzone Group Company History Milestone

What our clients say?

testimony4 a*******i,
12 Aug 2022 02:48
Supplier Service: Very satisfied(★★★★★)
On-time Shipment: Very satisfied(★★★★★)
I have really appreciated my experience of working Emily. She has been patient with my many questions. I also found communicating with her to be easy and fluid. This has been so important for me as I have to give trust from a distance. I recommend working with Emily as the products I have received are of good quality and most importantly you’ll have a great support and service.