Jiangyin Uzone International Trade Co.,Ltd
Şanika şewatê
Uzone Group
20 years of industry experience
Thousands of products,
tens of categories
![factory inner space](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/fe77feec.jpg)
Çi em çi bikin?
Li Uzone Groups, an pabendbûna ya bêtawîz ku bi kalîte dikarin service.With zerîya tîma tecrube yên profesyonel û şiyanên pîşesazî-pêşeng, tu dikarî li ser me ji bo piştgiriya awarte li hemû projeyên xwe neyînin.
a tevlîhev, dimeşit bi lez û pîşesaziya berxwedaneke mezin de reqabet ku ye koletîyê dijwar de bi serkeftî bi nav destpêkirin - Uzone zehmetiya ferqa di navbera markeyên ku dixwazin li pêş berhemên high quality û bazara kosmetîk ava bû.
By li ser zanîn û tecrubeya ya pîşesaziya berfireh me, em alîkarî kiriye, markayên dest bi berhemên bi aştî ji hiş û encamên mezin.
Hemû ji van çîrokên serkeftî dest bi heman awayî - bi axavtineke. Têkilî bi me re ji bo kifş ka çawa em dikarin alîkariya brand xwe rizgar serkeftinê li kosmetîk û lênêrîna şexsî bazarê.
![Emily Chen](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/Emily.jpg)
Emily Chen
Sales Director
Emily is a foreign trade sales. She has been working on cosmetic field for more than 5 years. She serves clients with best effort and professional knowledge.
![Jacky Xue](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/Jacky.jpg)
Jacky Xue
Design Team Director
Together with design teamates, they're responsible for the design side of things like sketch, 3D product model and marketing videos etc.
![Ting Chen](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/Chen.jpg)
Ting Chen
Sales & Marketing Director
Responsible for marketing and sales at the same time. She's enthusiastic in helping clients. Glad that our cosmetic packaging products realize value in clients' hands.
![Celine Weng](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/Celine.jpg)
Celine Weng
Purchasing Director
She's a standards-driven, ambitious and professional procurement officer who understands the responsibility that comes with the role.
Serperiştiya QUALITY
amûrên quality-ceribandina profesyonel, ji bo vacuum testkirina, testkirina germahîya, testkirina alkol hwd.
![Multiply tests and qualifications of UzoneGroup](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/e57c104c.jpg)
![UzoneGroup attended Trade Show at Shanghai May 2019](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/d4ae4929.jpg)
![UzoneGroup at BeautyWorld Middle East 2015](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/fec0dd4b.jpg)
![UzoneGroup Trade Show at Thailand Nov 2018](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/51e7f449.jpg)
![Uzone Group Trade Show at Italy July 2019](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/21638df8.jpg)
![UzoneGroup Trade show in Russia, July 2016](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/a5f3313b.jpg)
![Uzone Package at Trade Show in Japan, Jan 2018](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/10cf9735.jpg)
![SGS Certifications of UzoneGroup Cosmetic packaging glass bottle products](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/38a0b9231.jpg)
Company History
![Uzone Group Company History Milestone](https://www.uzo-pak.com/uploads/milestone_compressed2.jpg)