Jiangyin Uzone International Trade Co.,Ltd

Uzone Gulu
20 years of industry experience
Thousands of products,
tens of categories

Zimene timachita?
Pa Uzone Magulu, ndi kudzipereka wotsimikizika khalidwe Mzimu chosasimbika service.With gulu odziwa akatswiri ndi mphamvu makampani-kutsogolera, mungathe kudalira ife chithandizo chapadera pa zonse ntchito zanu.
Uzone anakhazikitsidwa kugwirizanitsa kusiyana zopangidwa akufuna kukhala mankhwala mkulu khalidwe ndi zodzoladzola msika - kuipidwa, kudya ukusuntha ndi makampani mwaukali mpikisano kuti ndi otchuka ndi zovuta bwinobwino kukhazikitsa mu.
Ndi kujambula pa nzeru zathu zambiri komanso zinachitikira makampani, ife ndathandiza zopangidwa kukhazikitsa mankhwala ndi mtendere wa mumtima ndi zotsatira zazikulu.
Nkhani za kupambana anayamba njira yomweyo - ndi kukambirana. Lumikizanani nafe kuti kupeza mmene tingathandizire mtundu wanu kupulumutsa bwino zodzikongoletsera chisamaliro msika.

Emily Chen
Sales Director
Emily is a foreign trade sales. She has been working on cosmetic field for more than 5 years. She serves clients with best effort and professional knowledge.

Jacky Xue
Design Team Director
Together with design teamates, they're responsible for the design side of things like sketch, 3D product model and marketing videos etc.

Ting Chen
Sales & Marketing Director
Responsible for marketing and sales at the same time. She's enthusiastic in helping clients. Glad that our cosmetic packaging products realize value in clients' hands.

Celine Weng
Purchasing Director
She's a standards-driven, ambitious and professional procurement officer who understands the responsibility that comes with the role.
akatswiri zida khalidwe oyesa, applicable yosesa kuyezetsa, kutentha kuyezetsa, kuyezetsa mowa etc.



Company History