Jiangyin Uzone International Trade Co.,Ltd

Uzone Group
20 years of industry experience
Thousands of products,
tens of categories

Yini okufanele siyenze?
Ngezinye Uzone Amaqembu, i ukuzinikela okuqinile ukuba izinga uphefumulela service.With engenakuqhathaniswa i team abanolwazi ochwepheshe namakhono odonsa phambili, ungathembela nathi ukuze uthole ukwesekwa ezehlukile kuwo wonke amaphrojekthi akho.
Uzone yasungulwa ekuvaleni igebe elikhona phakathi brand zokufuna ukuthuthukisa imikhiqizo high quality kanye nemakethe izimonyo - a eziyinkimbinkimbi, ezihambayo fast and umkhakha ngolaka yokuncintisana ukuthi Kunzima elidume ukuqalisa ngempumelelo.
Ngokusondela olwazini nasekuqondeni esinako olunzulu nesipiliyoni embonini, thina Usize brand ukuqalisa imikhiqizo ngokuthula kwengqondo kanye nemiphumela ezinkulu.
Zonke lezi izindaba impumelelo waqala ngendlela efanayo - ne ingxoxo. Xhumana nathi ukuthola ukuthi singasiza kanjani umkhiqizo wakho ukuletha impumelelo emakethe izimonyo nokunakekela siqu.

Emily Chen
Sales Director
Emily is a foreign trade sales. She has been working on cosmetic field for more than 5 years. She serves clients with best effort and professional knowledge.

Jacky Xue
Design Team Director
Together with design teamates, they're responsible for the design side of things like sketch, 3D product model and marketing videos etc.

Ting Chen
Sales & Marketing Director
Responsible for marketing and sales at the same time. She's enthusiastic in helping clients. Glad that our cosmetic packaging products realize value in clients' hands.

Celine Weng
Purchasing Director
She's a standards-driven, ambitious and professional procurement officer who understands the responsibility that comes with the role.
professional amathuluzi izinga-testing, esebenza ushanela ukuhlolwa, izinga lokushisa ukuhlolwa, utshwala ukuhlolwa njll



Company History